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FurBabe Pet Shampoo 毛小孩寵物沐浴露 - Camellia山茶花美膚抗菌配方 300ml

FurBabe Pet Shampoo 毛小孩寵物沐浴露系列

FurBabe is a brand-new concept of washing pets. The exclusive mild formula cares for the pet’s skin with a balanced pH.
The FurBabe product does not use any toxic materials and or chemicals such as toxic plasticizer, triclosan, paraben, silicon and any other toxic substances.
FurBabe ingredients are rich in vitamin E, grape seed oil & borage oil, these extracts are beneficial to the pet’s fur and assists in absorbing nutrients for best results.
毛小孩是一個全新概念的寵物沐浴露,溫和無毒的獨家配方,能配合皮膚酸鹼值。成分含有豐富的維他命E 、抗氧維生素B6、葡萄籽油、琉璃苣油等,能讓寵物皮膚更容易吸收養分,以達毛髮的柔亮度。毛小孩寵物沐浴露不使用矽靈、三氯沙、對羥基苯甲酸酯(paraben),或任何毒性塑化劑與有毒物質成分


FurBabe Camellia – Anti-Bacterial Recipe for Pets 山茶花美膚抗菌配方《犬貓通用洗毛精》

Camellia is rich in catechin, and other beneficial elements, has anti-aging benefic and skin dander hyperplasia, mild formula that allows pet to have healthy skin and fur. Suitable for all types of pet.


Ingredients 成份:

Camellia fragrance, essential oils, plant essence, grape seed extract, borage oil, amino acid, vitamin E, vitamin B6, allantoin.
山茶花香氛、精油、植物精華、葡萄籽提取物、琉璃苣油、氨基酸、維生素 E、維生素 B6、尿囊素。

Formulated For 適合:All types of pet. 各類毛系的毛小孩


Wethod 使用方法:
Lather shampoo until bubble forms in palms of hands, knead the shampoo form into pet’s fur, massage pet’s coat until thoroughly washed, rinse pet with water, followed by drying. Avoid contact with pet’s eyes.



Storage 保存:Avoid to store in direct sunlight. 本產品含植物精萃成分,請放置於避免陽光直射或潮濕之處儲存

FurBabe Pet Shampoo 毛小孩寵物沐浴露 - Camellia山茶花美膚抗菌配方 300ml

  • 一個全新概念的寵物沐浴露,溫和無毒的獨家配方,能配合皮膚酸鹼值
    ❤成分含有豐富的維他命E 、抗氧維生素B6、葡萄籽油、琉璃苣油等,能讓寵物皮膚更容易吸收養分,以達毛髮的柔亮度


  • By SF Express/ By surface mail:
    Settled the voucher , we'll arrange the delivery within 2 working days after payment confirmed (Delivery Payment charged the Receiver) ; Free delivery over HKD$500 (except on the first two days of the Lunar New Year and when typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning is in force). Surface mail has certain risks. You must bear the loss or damage caused by surface mail and the We cannot bear any responsibility for the loss or damage. We currently do not make deliveries to remote areas and outer islands. We reserve the right to decline delivery at our sole discretion.

    速遞送貨/平郵 :
    需先入賬,確認收款後,兩日內安排出貨 (順豐到付) ;  購物(折實後)滿 $500,即享免費速遞到附近順豐站(除於農曆新年及當八號或以上颱風警告信號或黑色暴雨警告生效時外);如選擇以平郵方式寄出,平郵服務之風險如寄失或派遞過程中貨物損毀需由閣下承擔。我們現時並無向偏遠地區及離島送貨。我們保留全權決定拒絕送貨的權利。


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