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T.N.A. Turmeric Beef Soup 薑黃牛肉湯煲鮮食包 150g

Description 產品說明 :

With turmeric powder, black sesame powder, flaxseed powder, celery, as well as tomatoes added, our delicious Turmeric Beef Soup is made with selected beef belly and beef brisket from New Zealand & Australia-a good texture with less fat! To give your beloved the most natural, healthiest diet possible, all T.N.A. Fresh Food Series are processed by high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization. No added chemical preservatives.


Ingredients 成份 :

Beef from New Zealand & Australia, celery, sunflower oil, tomatoes, flaxseed powder, black sesame powder, turmeric powder.


Special Ingredients特殊食材介紹 :

* Beef is rich in amino acids, vitamin B6 and B12. It enriches blood and boosts strength. Not only does it support healing after surgery, but it also keeps your beloved pet’s stomach warm.


* Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. It contains natural anti-inflammatory ingredients that boost auto-immunity.


* Cooked with fresh vegetables, our Turmeric Beef Soup boosts your beloved’s immune system and vitality. It is a healthy tonic for your pet, and a great energy boost!


Feeding Guidelines 食用方式 :

Ready to serve. This product is used as a food topper, you can add it to any types of meat, fresh vegetables, starch, or dry foods.


How to Store 保存方法 :

This product is processed by high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization (121°C). It can be stored without any preservatives. Keep at room temperature away from sunlight before using. Refrigerate after opening and consume as soon as possible.


Content 容量 : 150g/per package (包)


Place of Origin 產地 : 100% made in Taiwan 堅持台灣在地生產


* Formulated for all dogs and cats 全犬種、全貓種適用 *

T.N.A. Turmeric Beef Soup 薑黃牛肉湯煲鮮食包 150g

  • 1. Beef is rich in iron, reducing iron-deficiency anemia.

    2. Rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, K, minerals, etc. Tomatoes are a great source of antioxidants.

    3. Turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory source that helps protect joints and maintain good health.

    4. Celery can benefit heart health, lower blood pressure and prevent or stop the growth of cancer.

    5. Rich in vitamin E, B and various minerals, black sesame seeds are a great source of antioxidants that increase immunity.

  • By SF Express/ By surface mail:
    Settled the voucher , we'll arrange the delivery within 2 working days after payment confirmed (Delivery Payment charged the Receiver) ; Free delivery over HKD$500 (except on the first two days of the Lunar New Year and when typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning is in force). Surface mail has certain risks. You must bear the loss or damage caused by surface mail and the We cannot bear any responsibility for the loss or damage. We currently do not make deliveries to remote areas and outer islands. We reserve the right to decline delivery at our sole discretion.

    速遞送貨/平郵 :
    需先入賬,確認收款後,兩日內安排出貨 (順豐到付) ;  購物(折實後)滿 $500,即享免費速遞到附近順豐站(除於農曆新年及當八號或以上颱風警告信號或黑色暴雨警告生效時外);如選擇以平郵方式寄出,平郵服務之風險如寄失或派遞過程中貨物損毀需由閣下承擔。我們現時並無向偏遠地區及離島送貨。我們保留全權決定拒絕送貨的權利。